Monday 14 May 2012

New Stock

Today we received 6-8 boxes of New Stock!! We are very excited!!
Mum called and said they had arrived and when I got to the Warehouse (Mum's Kitchen, Spare Room and Office........... no seriously, lol)

Charlie was dressed in a Beautiful Yellow Cardi with White Polka Dots and a TuTu. We received heaps of Boys Jeans and Infant Starter Packs! Some of these packs include more them 30 pieces!!!  We also received heaps of different styles of Bags to add to our collection. More Blankets to add to our Gift and Bedding Section and more items to add to our 'Feeding' Category.

Charlie has been doing so much work lately, that she now has 2 names...... (not our doing!) Mum's littlest Man, has learnt to say the name 'Jaiden'. When you ask him: Where's Jaiden..... he seeks out Charlie and says 'Jaiden' and then gets so excited, he buries his little head in your shoulder whilst kicking his little legs and waving his arms like crazy, it is SO CUTE!!!  He did it today while Charlie was dressed in her Tutu and Cardi, I said: That's not Jaiden, that’s Charlie. He just looked at me with his: Excuse me face on, lol! The other day Charlie was in the hallway, waiting to have her photo taken and he went up to him and stands their stroking her face. I'm sure our two Babes are so confused about what Charlie actually is!!

We spent some time photographing items and checking the boxes for correct numbers while my little Miss ran from the kitchen, to the lounge room, out the door, then through the other door, into the laundry, into the kitchen again and then demanding to be put on the other side of the gate to 'do it all again'. It was quite amusing!!

Anyway, lots more to do on the page before it opens, This time NEXT WEEK - Woo Hoo!

Chantal x

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day Mummies!!

Early this morning I was greeted with many pats on my head at 6am (which might I add, is a good sleep in, so can't complain) followed by Mum, Mum, Muuuummmm. Then clapping of hands when I got up, (wait first their was Mummm and then pulling the blankets back!) Then I was given a HUGE box of Whitmans Samplers (so huge, like massive) a lovely warm pair of slippers and a beautiful card with my Daughter and I pictured in the front and a lovely drawing inside just for me!!

I'm still not feeling well, so once my littlest was settled and my Partner was up, I went back to sleep. (It is so sickening being dizzy. I couldn’t even open my eyes.) When I finally got up (9am, and feeling alot better) I was greeted with all of my other Mothers Day presents! Handmade Necklaces, Bracelets, Cards even handmade Chocolates. I also received a Note Pad and a Dish Brush. Ohh and Drawings on the sketch boards!

I was also so happy when I was given my other Mothers Day card from my Partner. I felt like he really went to some effort. He told me I would like it before I even opened it. He was right! We often agree to disagree that Parenting is equalling as draining as going to work everyday. So this card really made me smile!!

Then I cooked Bacon, Eggs, Tomatoes, Pineapple and Baked beans for all of us, for a late Sunday Breakfast! Ohh and I shared my monstrous Whitmans Samplers with the kids and now I keep hearing Num Nums, Num Nums from my Baby! We brushed her teeth extra well tonight!!

My little miss also never goes to sleep on her own. But today for one of the very first times she fell asleep on the lounge all by herself. I picked her up and put her into bed and I must admit I felt a little sad that she went to sleep with out me. She ended up have a huge sleep and when she woke up we left to go visit my Mum.  We did no prep work today, well we composed orders but we did no stock photos or any other prep work for Fashion 4 Kids.

I gave my Mum her mothers day present, a beautiful handmade Vinyl Print from Addi and Me:!/  If you love unique, custom designed prints, you should really check this Facebook page out! It is awesome!! The kids all played together nicely and when we came home my Partner and I cooked dinner together and then we all ate Dinner together at the Table. I ask my Children before bed, what their favourite thing was for the day. They all told me it was giving me my Mothers Day Presents! They all went to bed easiely and happy.

Anyway I hope all the Mummies out there had a great day, I know I did.

Chanatl x

Saturday 12 May 2012

Meet Charlie

Do you have something that is not living, that you have named? Do you refer to it, in person?  Meet Charlie....

Charlie is so very helpful to us. She models our girls clothes, and He models our Boys clothes!

We just had to name her, although she is a unisex, I quiet often refer to her as a Girl, and my Mum, as a Boy! (I wonder if this is because our youngest Babies are those Genders)

We spent maybe 48hours trying to name Charlie, after she arrived. She was a surprise, I didn't know she was coming. (Mum ordered her)

 When we opened her up, we called her Manny, but Manny wasn't a good enough name for us.  I can't quiet remember the names we choose from, but I remember liking Jesse.  We considered giving her a Girls name and a Boys name, but then, we wouldnt just have a Name to caller her, when we needed her for something.

After having so many pets growing up (all named after Home & Away Characters) we kept referring the names we would choose, back to a pet we had, for example I had a cat named Jesse (he was also a Character on Home & Away) so that name was out!! 

We also considered Sam and Jackie, but we had friends with these names, so we opted out for these aswell. Google it was, to search for unisex names online. We found Charlie! It fits him perfectly as a Boy, and her perfectly as a Girl!

We use Charlie in alot of our clothing photos, usually I like to keep her Identity private and don't show her/his Face LOL

Charlie, not only models our Girls and Boys clothes, but shoes as well! And all of our Hats and Beanies to.

Our youngest Babies are so confused when we have Charlie out with us, as we refer to her/him and then, dress and undress her. My Youngest was running around the house yesterday with Charlie's arms and kept handing them to her Nanna, saying Here, here..... I think she was getting a little worried. Mum's youngest just kept standing at the gate saying: What That?? What That? and if it wasnt What That? it was WANT THAT!!!

It is quite amusing really and Mum and I often laugh when we talk about Charlie, and Mum often speaks Nicely to Charlie to get him to cooperate (I swear we are not Weirdos, LOL)

The other day we found ourselves apologizing to Charlie for degrading her, as we had to pull her pants down to take a photo of a Jumper. At the same time my Dad happened to walk out and say: Why are his pants pulled down??


Thursday 10 May 2012

Product reviews on Blogs really do boosts Sales!

I was just reading through some other blogs (In all of my spare time) and was inspirered to right this blog. It really is true that reading other peoples reviews of Products and their stories about using them, really do help boost the sales of those Products. For example it was only a week or two ago I read this post From Naomi at Seven Little Cherubs

After reading this. I thought I would go and check out the range at and see what they had to offer. I was so impressed, that after discussing with the other half of our Team (Bev aka Mum) we decided to make contact with Cath and see if we could become Retailers!!

We are now the proud stockist of and have placed our first order with them, to be available for sale on our Website, fashion4kids, opens its Online Doors on Monday 21st May 2012.

If I do this, then I am positive that so many other people do this also (maybe not the 'becoming stockist part', but when I originally looked, I was there to buy for my Eldest Girl!) 

And I only found out about Naomi's wonderful page!/sevencherubsblog which I now follow regularly, though something Katrina said on her page!/organisedhousewife which I also follow regularly.

Does anyone else do this? I am positive I am not the only one, I think I am proof that this happens all the time!

Chantal x

Positive Thinking, while Sick!!

So today I've woken up feeling very unwell! (I wonder if this has anything to do with the time I went to bed last night, after staying up and researching this new found love of Blogging) No, seriously, I have a Flu! I had better be the only one who gets it too, as it is so cruel when all the little Munchkins become unwell and with the work we have to put in to our web page, before open day on the 21st May (10 DAYS away OMG) is huge!!!!  I really do not have the extra time for my Babies to become unwell also!

So lately for our business Fashion4Kids, we (by We I mean, my Mum and I) have had so much photographing and editing to do! It is a huge job. I love taking pictures, but why is it, that photographing Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Accessories is so hard. It is immensely difficult to get it perfect the first time or the second, third (I think you get my point) Perhaps it seems so hard, because we have put so much of our Heart and Soul into this and we want it to look Perfect and to Succeed! Maybe the photos are already perfect, we are just being to picky!!! Who knows!!!

So back to being unwell! I have actually been unwell for a couple of days, I'm hitting the hard stuff now (Cold and Flu, LOL thank heavens I'm not still Breastfeeding!!!) But nothing really fixes it, just have to ride it out. So with small children, how do you function like normal when your sick? I simply can't say, I'm sick, I can't do any prep work today........ we just don't have time for that! So at this moment, I am trying to use positive thinking as my key to feeling better!! (Think about how good the Business will look Chantal) and stuff like that!!! And not only that, I'm trying not to drink to much coffee and I can't have a glass of wine either (not that I would be having on at 9.02am, but of a night) because of the Cold and Flu tablets.... its a no win game!!!  POSITIVE THINKING, POSITIVE THINKING!!!!!

Chantal x

Flat Out!

We have been so flat out over the last month getting everything ready for our website, that we have neglected the advertising side of things. We are simply just so excited about opening this web page!  We are a Mother/Daughter Team and have wanted to do something like this for so long, finally the dream is coming true! But it isn't easy! We are flat out with our young children, as well as everything that is needed to set up a website, so that is is productive and well organised.

I never thought this much work would be required (silly me) But we are determined! This will work! We are selling beautiful products, a large variety and at great prices! We just need to advertise and get our name out there! This can be hard, if you don't know what your doing. But we are so positive at this stage, I don't think anyone can bring us down!  

C & B