Saturday, 12 May 2012

Meet Charlie

Do you have something that is not living, that you have named? Do you refer to it, in person?  Meet Charlie....

Charlie is so very helpful to us. She models our girls clothes, and He models our Boys clothes!

We just had to name her, although she is a unisex, I quiet often refer to her as a Girl, and my Mum, as a Boy! (I wonder if this is because our youngest Babies are those Genders)

We spent maybe 48hours trying to name Charlie, after she arrived. She was a surprise, I didn't know she was coming. (Mum ordered her)

 When we opened her up, we called her Manny, but Manny wasn't a good enough name for us.  I can't quiet remember the names we choose from, but I remember liking Jesse.  We considered giving her a Girls name and a Boys name, but then, we wouldnt just have a Name to caller her, when we needed her for something.

After having so many pets growing up (all named after Home & Away Characters) we kept referring the names we would choose, back to a pet we had, for example I had a cat named Jesse (he was also a Character on Home & Away) so that name was out!! 

We also considered Sam and Jackie, but we had friends with these names, so we opted out for these aswell. Google it was, to search for unisex names online. We found Charlie! It fits him perfectly as a Boy, and her perfectly as a Girl!

We use Charlie in alot of our clothing photos, usually I like to keep her Identity private and don't show her/his Face LOL

Charlie, not only models our Girls and Boys clothes, but shoes as well! And all of our Hats and Beanies to.

Our youngest Babies are so confused when we have Charlie out with us, as we refer to her/him and then, dress and undress her. My Youngest was running around the house yesterday with Charlie's arms and kept handing them to her Nanna, saying Here, here..... I think she was getting a little worried. Mum's youngest just kept standing at the gate saying: What That?? What That? and if it wasnt What That? it was WANT THAT!!!

It is quite amusing really and Mum and I often laugh when we talk about Charlie, and Mum often speaks Nicely to Charlie to get him to cooperate (I swear we are not Weirdos, LOL)

The other day we found ourselves apologizing to Charlie for degrading her, as we had to pull her pants down to take a photo of a Jumper. At the same time my Dad happened to walk out and say: Why are his pants pulled down??


1 comment:

  1. Haylie Bradford12 May 2012 at 06:21

    Bahahaha!!! "I swear we are not weirdos" - love it!!
